Investing in health equity

We back startups aligned with our vision to create a fair and effective healthcare system for all.

Our Investment Approach

More than just funding

Leveraging our healthcare industry and startup operator expertise, we partner closely with our Founders to support your growth at every stage.

MAKING CARE ACCESSIBLEInnovations that streamline effective healthcare delivery to Medicaid & Medicare beneficiaries, ensuring ease of access and efficiency.

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHTechnologies focused on enhancing mental health support and services, providing innovative solutions for psychological well-being.

VALUE-BASED CARE TECHNOLOGIESSolutions driving the shift towards value-based healthcare models, emphasizing outcomes and patient-centric care.

WOMEN'S HEALTH BEYOND FERTILITYCutting-edge tech addressing a wide spectrum of women's health issues beyond fertility, promoting better care and well-being.

Who we are

Experienced Operators

We are a diverse group of healthcare veterans, startup entrepreneurs + operators, and technology innovators. Our collective expertise has driven successful healthcare programs and ventures.

Angelica Maestas
General Partner

With over twenty years in healthcare and nearly a decade as a healthtech startup founder, Angelica has dedicated her career to driving innovation and efficiency, particularly in underserved communities.Her journey includes founding a healthcare analytics company focused on providing population health and medical economics analytics to payers and providers. Following the acquisition by a software development company, Angelica led a Health Lab Division, where she continued to focus on leveraging advanced analytics to improve health intelligence and operational outcomes, with a strong emphasis on addressing the unique challenges faced by underserved populations.

Our Innovation Hub

HealthTech Rx is our health innovation hub that unites founders, organizations, researchers, and policymakers to develop, test, and scale promising health tech.Through this work, we're building a strategic partner network that will provide our Startups access to pilots, a network of seasoned advisors, peer support, and invaluable feedback.HealthTech Rx also hosts community + educational events for healthcare leaders and startup innovators - providing ample opportunity to meet with leaders in our healthcare network.


Frequently Asked Questions

What stage of companies do you invest in?

We invest in pre-seed and seed stage health tech startups whose technologies make healthcare more accessible and effective for historically underserved communities.

What do you mean by "historically underserved communities"?

Historically underserved communities are those that have faced long-standing obstacles to healthcare due to factors like socioeconomic status, race, and geographic location. These include rural areas with few medical facilities, urban neighborhoods impacted by economic downturns, and groups marginalized by societal biases.We also include Women's Health, outside of fertility, as an underserved community.

How much do you invest?

We invest up to $300k in health tech's most promising startups.

Do you invest in technologies requiring FDA approval?

Not currently. Products that require FDA approval but have not yet received it, add significant time and cost - diminishing the return on our investment.

Do you have a regional focus?

No. We invest in U.S. based startups but have a keen eye on supporting founders in the Southwest, as we are a New Mexico based fund.

what is your follow-on strategy

We reserve for follow-on to help position our companies for a Series A, but we don't reserve for Series A or beyond.

How does partnering with you help build my company - beyond the financial investment?

Leveraging our extensive careers in the healthcare industry, we not only offer capital but also deep knowledge of the entire healthcare ecosystem. This expertise, combined with our track record in strategic partnerships and commitment to equitable solutions, ensures we bring meaningful thought partnership to you and your team.

Why health Equity?

Our GP's Story

Starting this venture fund is deeply personal for me, blending my own life story with a passionate commitment to improving healthcare in underserved areas. My role at SevenFive Ventures is more than just a job; it's an homage to my sister, whose own story deeply influences our mission.My roots trace back to a tough and resilient family of migrant farm workers. By the time I came around, my parents had left the fields behind, but their stories and the grit they passed on helped me survive growing up in some rough neighborhoods of Stockton, CA—a place where violence and poverty became a normal part of my existence. I experienced firsthand the challenges these communities face, especially when it comes to access to healthcare.My siblings and I each found our own way of coping with the life we were born into, but my sister eventually decided she could no longer cope and took her own life. Tragically, she became one of the countless individuals in these communities who slipped through the cracks, leading to her untimely death.In every step we take with this fund, we carry the essence of my journey—from a grit-building life in Stockton to spearheading this initiative. We're here to make a difference, remembering the real faces and stories behind the statistics. Our blend of personal passion, industry expertise, and unwavering dedication to health equity is what defines us, driving our mission to ensure a healthcare system that doesn’t leave anyone behind.

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